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Submit a Guest Post

by Skander Helali

I suggest writing the article on a wordpress editor, and then copy-pasting the output in the visual editor below.

You may also have better luck copying the “text” version of the article and submitting that as a text submission.

Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.


Guest submissions are subject to moderation. They should not read as advertisements, and excessive linking is not allowed (a maximum of one useful backlink in a medium size post, and a maximum of two in a large one).

Referencing URLs from other articles published on S/Blog is permissible without a limit.

Articles should be relevant to tech, a current issue, or have some substance if unrelated.

For advertising (and not just contributing, ie. affiliate links and tracked campaigns to outside services), then please contact me beforehand and suggest a deal.

ramblings and nonsense. nsfw.

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